About Us
Impact is Providing our Partners with Best-In-Class EVC + Microgrid systems

Electric car virtual reality concept with EV charging station for green energy and eco power produced from sustainable source to supply to charger station in order to reduce CO2 emission .
Our Mission & Vision

For almost 40 years we have been designing and deploying distributed energy systems in global applications from the conventional to the most remote and extreme environments. Our goal is to optimize power delivery from a range of sources through advanced stored energy systems with the most sophisticated intelligent controls available.


Access to clean, reliable, resilient, affordable energy is something the vast majority of us take for granted. But there are many living in their traditional remote villages who are denied this fundamental right. They pay 10 times what we pay in Seattle or London for electrical power and thermal energy. And that power is inconsistent, of poor quality, and generates significant amounts of toxic emissions which are harmful to people and the environment.

Furthermore, communities with inadequate and expensive power suffer from a profound degree of economic privation where their residents have a genuine lack of financial and social opportunity. There is nothing more crushing for the soul of a community.

We at Impact recognized this problem and knew that compelling new technologies could correct this injustice. We saw that advances in computing power, energy storage, and distribution systems could make power not only more affordable but completely reliable and far healthier. And that is why we developed state-of-the-art microgrid technology that will revitalize remote communities by democratizing energy.

Bringing our technology to traditional Alaskan villages, for instance, not only provides energy parity for the community but also enables economic growth and social development while reducing the carbon footprint and bringing the promise of a brighter, healthier future.

We began almost 40 years ago custom designing and commissioning distributed energy solutions in applications from the conventional to the most extreme locations. We deliver the most efficient power generation and distribution solution in the world through our advanced SCADA control technology which makes our microgrids the most effective energy system available.

And while we once focused on the oil and gas industry we are now committed to working with traditional communities to bring hope and promise through clean, reliable, resilient, affordable energy. Impact not only brings best-of-breed technology but we offer creative, efficient financing solutions tailored to make that future a reality.


Impact Development believes that access to clean, resilient, reliable, and affordable energy is a pathway to securing economic and social development opportunities in underserved communities. With that, we approach all of our projects with an emphasis on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles to ensure that our investments are sustainable and have a positive impact on the communities we work with.